Trauma & Anxiety Awareness in the Community

Trauma Anxiety Discussion

On August 19th 2023, we offered our first ever FREE community event. This was an opportunity to discuss issues around trauma and anxiety, including the impact on the body, relationships, chronic shame, and deep lasting wounds. We hoped to not only offer information to those that may not otherwise have the means or opportunity, but also to foster connections.

One of the key factors in recovering from trauma is having supportive social connections. Sadly, too many people who have suffered chronic and complex trauma tend to find themselves disconnected and isolated.

Our hope was and is to try and help folks feel understood and less alone.

Check out our videos below!

Trauma and the impact on the body, mind, identity, and relationships

Dr. Noël Hunter focuses on the long-lasting effects of fear, brain and cognition, the mind-body connection, and the relational impact of trauma. She also looks at how what’s happening on the inside can be so different from what people perceive on the outside. In turn, this can impact relationships, workplace success, and identity.

Chronic Shame

Jenna D’Anna, LCSW, focuses on shame, and how chronic shame and self-loathing often results from complex trauma. She explores how this can lead to interpersonal conflict, isolation, and anger when usually what the person wants more than anything is to connect and be understood.

The Inner Child

Dr. Marlon Louison addresses an oft overlooked topic: the inner child. He explores how this too often gets neglected or, worse, criticized and abused, ironically repeating early childhood trauma or abuse. He reframes chronic self-criticism and shame into a compassionate appreciation for what a person has survived. In honoring this inner child and validating what you have overcome, it also allows you to understand problems in the present without shame. It allows for a clearer picture as to why certain patterns arise and also how to start shifting those patterns.

An important ethos we hold is being able to do what we can to provide folks without means access to information, discussion, and guidance. We offer a wide variety of services and practitioners of differing levels of training; this allows us to offer a range of fees and options depending on individual needs.

Outside of our practice, however, we hope to continue bringing people together in the community. Building connections and learning and exploring in a safe space can be a very healing experience. Everyone needs multiple ways to explore and learn about their experiences and selves.

We hope you’ll join us next time!